My friend Jenn tagged me a while ago, and I am just now getting around to it. Here it goes!
5 Things I did today:
1. I got my hair done! YAY
2. Took my sister to lunch at Costa Vida...YUM
3. Started reading the new book that I bought on Wednesday, "Their Eyes Were Watching God".
4. Watched a re-run of 90210....It's been a LONG time since I've seen an episode, and it was so nostalgic for me!
5. Nursed Ella, and then had a Dance Party in the living room with Ava. We dance a lot around here.
5 Things I need to do:
1. Finish Ava's baby book. I want to have it done by her 2nd birthday in April.
2. Buy more PJ's for Ava. She is growing so fast!
3. Write Thank-You notes for all the gifts we've received since Ella was born.
4. Go grocery shopping...or should I say, make a list for David.
5. Take Kona to the groomer.
5 Things I'll do when I strike it rich:
1. Move into a much bigger house. I've been watching "House Hunters" on HGTV way too much since the baby was born, and I'm feeling trunky.
2. Buy lots of interesting art.
3. Buy a baby grand piano.
4. Go on a vacation somewhere exotic.
5. Re-vamp my wardrobe. It needs some help right now...
5 Places I've lived:
1. Redondo Beach, CA
2. Tempe, AZ
3. Mesa, AZ
4. Chandler, AZ
5. Oh, and I was born in Salt Lake City. Does that count?
5 Things I was doing 10 years ago:
1. Graduating from high school.
2. Getting ready to come to ASU.
3. Dating a marine. Wow that seems like a lifetime ago....
4. Dancing with my dance team.
5. Preparing for a cheerleading trip to London.
5 of my bad qualities/habits:
1. I am compulsively tidy. I am always cleaning up. I can't stop, and sometimes I wish I could just relax and let things slide.
2. I get frustrated with my dog a lot. I need to stop though, because Ava has started to yell, "KONA! NO!" all the time. I feel so bad when I hear Ava say that...
3. I brush my teeth too hard. My dentist gets mad at me and says that, while I don't have any plaque, I am basically destroying my gumline.
4. I rarely answer the phone. If I am busy doing something else, I usually just let the machine get it. Then I forget to return calls sometimes.
5. I sleep with my contacts in. For like, weeks at a time.
5 Things that people probably don't know about me:
1. I couldn't keep a plant alive if my own life depended on it.
2. If I wear flip-flops during the day, I can't get in bed without washing my feet.
3. I had my belly button pierced in high school. Twice. The hole looks pretty funny now, after two babies. It's kind of like a little horizontal line.
4. I never did a single load of laundry until my freshman year in college at the dorms. That is kind of a funny story in and of itself. Let's just say, I had no white shirts after that. Only pink.
5. I am very attentive to people's hands. If David had ugly hands, we probably wouldn't be married right now.
I tag anyone who wants to do this!