Here's a look at what my family has been up to over the last week...
Playtime. Ella having fun with cars while sister is at preschool and brother is napping.
Dress-up. While Ava and her friends chose fancy dresses and tiaras....Ella chose
this. This girl blazes her own trail. I love it.
Braids! After 5 years of raising daughters, I finally learned how to french braid. I have been practicing a lot on my little hair models.
And buns! Ava's hair has been in a bun every day for nearly a week straight! Her ballet school had rehearsals every night last week for their performance of Coppelia at the Herberger Theatre.

The performance was on Saturday night, and it was phenomenal. The girls did a great job. And Ava's bun was perfect-o. :) Here's a picture of one proud mommy and her tiny dancer right after the show.

....and what blog post would be complete without a picture of this handsome guy?

Dallin is such a little charmer. He is constantly smiling, and has everyone wrapped around his little finger. I took him in for his 4 month well check last week, and by all accounts he is perfect. He weighs 13 pounds, and is right in the middle of the pack as far as height and weight percentiles go. My D is a very healthy and happy angel baby.
In other news, Ava and Ella both got a Betta fish for their birthdays this year from their friend Ella Katzenbach. Ella K. is super cool...what a great gift!
And, in all honesty, I'm kind of obsessed with these little fishies. They are so pretty to look at.

Ava named her fish Marvelous (a not-so-original name, actually. The name was borrowed from her friend Ivy's fish). It is a lot of fun for Ava to say, and I must say, Marvelous is really marvelous. Isn't she pretty? Actually, I'm positive Marvelous is a male, but don't tell Ava that.

Ella named her fish Ariel. See her in the top right corner? Ariel is a really pretty iridescent pink color. A very cool fish, indeed.

So, that's what we've been up to. Actually, we've been up to a lot more than that, but that's just what I have pictures of. Between cooking, cleaning, laundry, preschool, playdates, and performances, it's been a typical busy week. This coming week will be lots of fun with preparations for Easter, the Easter Pageant, and family birthday parties. Ready, Set, GO!