Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Meet them at the door laughing...

These pictures capture the essence of life in the Tait household right now.

Actually, with regards to the pictures below, it's the imperfections that say it all. One thing I have learned is to embrace the imperfections, and "meet them at the door laughing." (Google the poet Rumi if you have some time...).

Our first real picture as a family, right after church on Easter. Can David keep his eyes open for even one shot? Nope. He sure was trying, though! Oh
The progression of these next three pictures is just Ella, and the corresponding look of "Oops...did I do that?" on Ava's face.

She's trying to be like mommy. Minus the whole "clothes" thing...

Granted, David has to work a lot these days. But Ava has already learned...if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. And finally, it may not be perfect, but that is one legendary head of hair! Cowlicks and all... :)

Who needs perfection, when the flaws are so much more fun?


Rees Family said...

Nice job with all the posts. I'm so impressed. Keep it up. I love to see pictures of your cute girls. I'm hoping to make it to the park tomorrow. See ya then.

Melanie said...

Ella definitely has Dave's hairdo only she does not need his hair gel to get it to stick up. Dang I wish I could remember the name of the hair product he used in high school. I always thought the name was funny. Something like "hair jam" and not jam like PB & J it was jam like "we be jammin". Find out what the name was and let me know. Anyway, your girls are adorable!

Mary said...

Cute pics. I can see Ava saying "cheese" in all the pictures!! : ) I'll miss you...I had a lot of fun hanging out...I only wish we could have done more of it!! Stupid flu!! : (

Karen said...

The picture of Eva and Dave with the computers is great.

Anonymous said...

I took those family pics. You should have posted the good one at least. And Ava looks evil in one of those pics, hillarious.

Aimee said...

So funny! I love the picture story. It says it all right there, no words necessary.

Ava was so cute when I was watching her this morning. She kept playing with her baby - changing its diaper and burping it, and I thought, wow! She is becoming quite the litte mother! So cute!

Ward said...

These are great shots Kim..I love how serious Dave looks at his computer.