Ahhh...I love Mother's Day. I am so lucky to be a mom, and to have a wonderful mom, mother-in-law, and many friends and loved ones to celebrate with on this special day. I'm also lucky to be married to such a stud...the kind of guy that was making me breakfast in bed on Mother's Day before I even had kids. LOVE him. This year, however, the option of staying in bed and enjoying a relaxing breakfast was not realistic. We have church at 9:00 am and three kids to get dressed! But, David did set the table so beautifully, and made eggs, sourdough pancakes with fresh whipped cream, fruit, and lots of fresh juice. So yummy.
To celebrate the mommies I look up to most, I made these temple bracelets for my mom, mother-in-law and sister.
So, all in all, Mother's Day was great. Sweet homemade gifts from the kids, a great day at church, dinner with the family, and the hubs even sent me shopping the night before. Very nice. Can it be Mother's Day every Sunday, please? :) I wish!
Anyways, here's a look at the little bittys and what they've been up to over the last week or two.
Dallin is grabbing for toys all the time now! He really gets excited about batting things back and forth. He also grabs things and puts them in his mouth now. He's just growing up so much!
Ella is getting particularly good at making messes. She is not so great at cleaning them up! We always say that she is a budding little hoarder. She loves playing with her dollies and making them all have little pretend conversations. Very cute.
On Friday, Ava walked on the high balance beam all by herself! She was just playing around at open gym, and hopped up and walked right across...no problem! Thanks to my friend Kristina for keeping a close eye on her...just in case. :)
We've also been doing a lot of baking lately. I always like to have fresh bread on Mondays, so the girls like to help with that, too.
Last Monday we made crescent rolls. They turned out great. Super delish.
Tomorrow I think we are going to opt for some quick breads. Probably zucchini or banana. Or both.
Probably both. :)
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